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    Regia de opera ganduri si imagini / Opera directing thoughts and images (album)

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    Cod produs: 9786067582765

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    Fotografii Mihaela Marin.

    „Privesc fotografiile Mihaelei Marin care s-a confruntat cu dificultatea ultima aceea de a capta ceea ce aparent nu poate fi captat nu doar „clipa“ teatrului ci mai dificil inca cea a operei… a marilor spectacole lirice puse in scena de Andrei Serban. Dar incercarea e un test un test de curaj si totodata de frustrare: sa traim cu ceea ce ne scapa din viata si totusi sa-i cautam partiala conservare. Privind aceste imagini elegante si poetice din spectacole pe care le-am vazut si iubit ma consolez caci recunosc splendida lor emblema vizuala pe fondul muzicii pe care o port in mine ce rasuna inca in inima…

    Cartea aceasta furnizeaza un ajutor binevenit pentru noi azi dar si mai mult pentru cei care vor dori sa se peregrineze cândva mâine sau mai târziu in lumea lui Andrei Serban. Ea e ghidul lor fermecat ca flautul lui Pamino. Si Mihaela il insoteste. Ii urmez sunetele si avansez pentru a descoperi dincolo de opere marca identitara a lui Andrei Serban.“

    „I look at the photographs by Mihaela Marin the photographer who faced the ultimate challenge of capturing what seemingly cannot be captured not merely the unique “moment” of theatre but also – yet more difficult – that of opera that of the great operatic productions staged by Andrei Serban. The endeavour is a test a test of courage but also of frustration: to live with what we lose from life but also to seek its partial conservation. Viewing these elegant and poetic images of productions I saw and loved I am consoled for I recognise their splendid visual imprint set to music I carry inside me music that still resounds in my heart…

    This book is a welcome aide-mémoire for us today and all the more so for those who choose to explore the world of Andrei Serban at some point in the future. It will act as their magic guide like Pamino’s flute. And Mihaela will accompany them. I follow its sound and go on to discover beyond opera the distinguishing mark of Andrei Serban.“

    George Banu

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    Autor: Andrei Serban Mihaela Marin Colectie: Yorick Dimensiune: 240 x 300 mm Editura: Nemira   Format: Hardcover Nr. pagini: 256 Tip produs: Carte   Carti   Varsta: 16+  
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